Suggestions for Fasting

Fasting is a powerful practice. When we take the initiative to fast and pray, we practice biblical values that Jesus first modeled for us.
Fasting is an act of self-denial for the sake of spiritual focus.

Join us:

- Fasting a meal or two a day.

- Turn down technology/media and turn up prayer and time in the Word.

-  Use our guide to pray each day and seek God for 21 days

- Pray in community, in person or online.

We advise you to personally seek the Lord and ask Him what you should do during this fast and we encourage all who are able, to truly give God their best. We also advise you to seek a physician’s advice before you approach any type of fasting. Certain individuals may need to limit how they fast because of their physical condition, illness, age or energy needs.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matt 6.33