Starting a Connect Group

Starting a new Connect group is an excited adventure.
We want to guide you on this process and help you succeed as you seek to serve God in this great way. 


o   I am committed to the Vision and Values of Imagine Nations Church and regularly attend services.

o   I am committed to being discipled by my leader (regularly attending their discipleship meetings, being accountable and seeking their guidance).

o   I will regularly give an account for my group (connect report).

o   I am willing to attend events personally and encourage my connect members to attend (e.g. Encounter retreats, INChurch conferences, Leaders Gatherings).

o   I have completed Disciple Maker Training or I am in the process of completing Disciple Maker Training.

o   Discuss potential new CG with Ps Mitch & Ps Belinda informing them of proposed: – Time, Place, Host, Starting Date and whose Discipleship Team will you be joining.


At Imagine Nations Church we are committed to providing a safe environment for our community.
You cannot start your CG until the below has all been completed:

1. Apply for Working with Children Check with Services NSW - expires every 5 years, you are applying for this as volunteer. Once received advise number online at

2. Complete Safer Churches Training - expires every 3 years ($15)

3. Complete Reportable Conduct Scheme Training
4. Complete the Connect Group Leader Application Form
5. Complete the ACC Volunteer Declaration Form

·       Please read through the Connect Group Leaders Manual.

·       Once the above is all completed you are now ready to start your CG! If you have any questions please email

This is a checklist for multiplying a CG which is to be filled out online by the new CGL at:

Church Center App

 To resource you as a leader we have an App set up with resources including:

-       Upcoming dates

-       Add a New Connect Member

-       Church calendar


-       Completing your weekly attendance is important for you to be accountable for the members and to help us pastorally to know the regularity and participation of our church members.

-       Seeing your overall attendance will help you see who your most faithful members are so you can develop them more as disciples and disciple-makers. 

STEP 1. Download the app Church Center at your App store.

STEP 2. Search for our church name

STEP 3. Enter your contact, follow the instructions

STEP 4. Allow ‘Notifications’

STEP 5. Press on the Groups Icon, Select your group

STEP 6. Press ‘Actions’, then select view past events

STEP 7. Select ‘Take Attendance’ for the past meeting.

See this 1 min YouTube Tutorial:


This area contains useful links to;

-       Church Calendar

-       Next Steps resources

-       Connect Notes

-       Essentials courses

-       Disciple Maker Training

-       Starting a New Connect